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Tarek Qeshtaغير متصل

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1 Ratings
    • الصورة الشخصية لـ Tarek Qeshta

      Tarek Qeshta posted in the group User Testimonials

      2 years, 3 months منذ

      السلام عليكم ورحمة الله بداية حبيت أتعرف عليكم من خلال فيديو حول زيارتي لجناح GamaLearn في معرض GESS Dubai
      حيث تعرفت على أنواع اختبارات جديدة سأشاركها معكم لاحقًا سأكون سعيد جدًا لمشاركتكم تجربتي.

      Profile PhotoProfile Photo أعجبه المنشور
    رصيد المستخدم 0 / Points

    أوسمة المستخدم


    Tarek Qeshta

    Training and Development Specialist

    I am a Training Specialist in ESE, MIE Fellow from Microsoft, and a Master trainer in PowToon

    I have a lot of experience in STEM education

    Twelve years of experience in STEM content development and training.

    I have good experience in digital learning content for STEM using design technology.

    I have extensive experience in Microsoft and google programs and applications.

    Also, I am an expert in assessment tools and strategies

    I have a lot of experience in several platforms like ALEF, Matific, SwiftAssess, and ALEX


    Keep in touch



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